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NANAY Awards Night to Honor Mother and Father of the Year

MIAMI, Apr. 25, 2006 (Basta Pinoy News) – As Philippine festivities and celebrations in the US continue into the month of May, Filipinos look forward to that one special day which celebrates the most important person in their lives.

This coming May 14th, NANAY, Inc., a non-profit organization will continue the tradition and celebrate motherhood and recognize mothers and fathers who had made a difference in their community.

Mother's Day as observed in the United States has been traditionally celebrated on the second Sunday of May. In other countries the event is held on various days depending on its culture and heritage. On Mothers traditionally are given gifts on this day which honors and thank them.

The NANAY Mother's Day Awards Night will be held at the Treetop Ballroom at Parrot Jungle Island in Miami. A special night for mothers, and fathers, awards will be given to the "Mother of the Year" and "Father of the Year". As in previous years, it is expected to attract traditional event goers in celebrating and honoring mothers across the nation.
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NANAY a Filipino word for "mother" is also an acronym that stands for National Alliance to Nurture the Aged and the Youth. It was founded in November 1994 in honor of Jacinta Holgado Bruce, who had made a lifetime commitment of helping the needy. Its main corporate office is located in North Miami, with satellite chapters in South Dade and Palm Beach (Florida), and regional chapters in San Francisco/Bay Area (California), Little Rock (Arkansas), and Michigan.

NANAY Inc. is a charitable organization made up of individuals who are committed to providing psychological, social, health and emotional support for youth and elders 60 years of age or older. Its major goal is to preserve cultural heritage and to assist, support and promote the welfare and well-being of youth and elders in the community, irrespective of race, sex or creed. To accomplish its mission, the organization raises funds through grants, public, and private support, within the provisions specified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. For additional details visit its website (Basta Pinoy News)

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